Shuffle, repeat, and crossfade songs

This article explains how to use the shuffle, repeat, and crossfade functions in the Sonos app.

Shuffle and Repeat

The Shuffle function randomizes the song order when playing from the queue. The Repeat function has two modes: select it once to have your Sonos product repeat the entire queue, or select it again to continuously repeat only the current song.

  • Sonos apps for iOS or Android: Open the Now Playing screen and select the Queue icon to view the queue. You’ll find both the Shuffle and Repeat buttons at the top.
  • Sonos web app: The Shuffle and Repeat buttons are in the playback controls along the bottom of the window.
  • Sonos S1 Controller for macOS or Windows: The Shuffle and Repeat buttons are located at the top of the screen in the Now Playing controls.


The Crossfade function creates a smooth transition between songs in the queue. Note that it’s not possible to toggle Crossfade on or off using the Sonos web app.

  • Sonos apps for iOS or Android: Open the Now Playing screen, then open the More menu and toggle the Crossfade option.
  • Sonos S1 Controller for macOS or Windows: The Crossfade button is located at the top of the screen in the Now Playing controls.

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