rova op Sonos

rova is the official streaming and on demand platform for The Edge, The Edge TV, The Rock, More FM, The Breeze, The Sound, Mai, George FM and Magic radio stations. It is the best way to experience these stations and also offers a selection of exclusive music channels and a selection of original and radio catch-up podcasts.

On demand, radio, podcasts
Stream standaardkwaliteit audio


  • Official streaming and on demand platform for The Edge, The Edge TV, The Rock, More FM, The Breeze, The Sound, Mai, George FM, and Magic radio stations
  • Select partner stations
  • Radio Show Catch-up Podcasts
  • Original, curated podcast selection
  • Exclusive Music Stations
  • Free
  • Made by Kiwis for Kiwis

Ondersteunde abonnementen

A Premium subscription is required to use rova on Sonos.


rova aan Sonos toevoegen

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