YouSee Musik på Sonos

There’s music for everyone and every mood on YouSee Musik. Stream your favorite songs from YouSee Musik's library of 20 million tracks, representing over 80,000 major and independent record labels. Find any song or album with YouSee Musik's intelligent search and create your own mix with personalized playlists. Listen endlessly in any room, free of ads.
Premium YouSee Musik account required. Free 14-day trial available. If you are interested in signing up for YouSee Musik or for more information, go to
- Search by artist, album, and track. Artist will display “top artist tracks” in addition to a list of albums for the artist.
- New Releases displays new releases by album.
- Charts offer “Most Popular Tracks” and “Most Popular Albums”. The contents of the Most Popular Tracks is an individual listing of tracks and all tracks can be added to the queue. The contents of “Most Popular Albums” list individual albums.
- Recommendations lists a number of top level containers by Genre, including Pop/Rock, Dance, Soul, etc.
- My Playlists are playlists created from the YouSee Musik website which can be seen on your Sonos Controllers. Playlists cannot be added, created, or edited using the Sonos controllers.
- Infoview is available for Artist, Albums, and Tracks.
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Premium YouSee Musik account required.