Error 1001 when updating Sonos

Error 1001 occurs when a connection cannot be made to one of your Sonos products when starting an update. Below are some common steps you can take to resolve this error.

Check for missing products

Before attempting the update again, check your System view (or the Rooms tab in the S1 Controller app) to see if any products are missing from the list. In the Sonos app for iOS or Android, you can open the System view by selecting the name of your system at the top-left of the screen.

If products are missing, they may be experiencing connection issues with your network. Follow the steps in our article on Products missing from the Sonos app to reconnect the missing products and then try the update again.

Move closer to your WiFi router

If possible, move the device with the Sonos app closer to the router and try the update again.

Reboot your Sonos products

Reboot all of your Sonos products. Once you have rebooted all of your Sonos products, make sure they all show up in the Sonos app and try the update again.

Still need help?

Our technicians can help over the phone or with a live chat. You can also ask questions and find answers with other Sonos owners in our Sonos Community.