LiveOne on Sonos

With millions of songs, hundreds of handcrafted stations, and endless personalization, LiveOne gives listeners full access to the world’s best music and entertainment. Listen for free on any Sonos speaker in your home or subscribe and enjoy a commercial-free experience with offline listening and on-demand access to millions of songs and albums.

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  • Listen for free to hundreds of hand-crafted, expertly curated stations for any style or genre you can think of
  • Special in depth shows including "I am the DJ", "Artist DNA", "Album of the Week" and many more
  • Create you own custom stations based on your favorite artists and songs
  • Unlimited skipping, no ads and more with a LiveOne Plus subscription
  • On demand listening to millions of songs with a LiveOne Premium subscription

Supported plans

Basic, Live, and Premium


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Our technicians can help over the phone or with a live chat. You can also ask questions and find answers with other Sonos owners in our Sonos Community.